
Broken Glass

Broken Glass Found lipstick on your collar It certainly wasn't my color I can smell her breath on you You have a different feel around you Get your lying face away from me Your falling tears won't move me Did I hear you say I shouldn't let in the devil? You know who needs to hear that? Your necessary evil Time after time, I've drunk from the poison you serve Believing someday, you'd serve me what i truly deserve  But, sadly, that day was always on reserve I've taken one million bullets from you How many would you have taken from me I won't even have had the gut to shoot you You've pushed me to the edge  And I'm sure you've heard the saying  A broken glass is always sharper at its edge You're dead to me, don't dare find me Cause if you do,  I won't hesitate to push you off the edge ©Jane Bliss

Dead, Awake?

Dead or Awake You know I am wondering... Isn't it better to lay down your arms?  lay down, like a dog playing dead Just let things happen Just let it all in and play dead Even if it hurts, accept them and play dead.  keep playing dead.  But now, the problem lies here... When you lie low and play dead,  you're being poked awake. and when you're awake,  you're charged for being awake. Then my question is... You do not want me awake,  I play dead. and when I play dead, You poke me awake, For you do not want me dead. and when I'm awake, you charge me for being awake why? What do you want? Dead or awake? You have to choose one Dead or awake?      ©Jane

A Letter To The One Who Wasn’t

  A letter to the one who never was All I asked - Within these walls my heart sits, Waiting to start beating as I was too afraid to ask you -Was, draw me a smile. In this pitch dark,  You tortured me with lectures, How I was so wrong and can never  Be right. How was I supposed to  See the light?   How could I see the light  I begged so much for? Light to freeze this cold  You've frozen me in for years. I look at you and all I see, Is the one who never was. The one life presented me, Who birthed me, then earthed me. I would have saved you, But, your heart needs to Stop for mine to start. I'm not a monster, I just want to live… ©Jane Bliss

Purple Rose

  Purple Rose Eerie night, flashes from strangers He sits on a log, his tongue bridled He wonders why these flashes don't find him He beckons on this light but it won't find him. distantly, his ears pick up whispers These whispers eerily call him in  They tell him they'll comfort him They tell him he'll be safe They tell him they'll wrap him,  in their cold arms, and keep him warm Then, aid in hand a wild one comes stringing the strings of her heart she plays him a tune, but he doesn't get it if he got it, he doesn't understand it she doesn't understand him too she hands him a purple rose, she tells him to have faith he wishes she'll sit with him, longer  but, she doesn't get that, she walks on he sits in the dark, watching, listening to the eerie whispers waiting, he hopes another wild one comes along with a purple rose ©Jane


  Fangs Yesterday, In my arms, I cuddled her meekness  against the milky softness of my palm, my gentility caressing her fragility, until she gave in to sleep's warm tempting embrace. In a gaze I held her little frame as it rose and fell in steady calmness. This feeble little made my cold heart civil, it made me feel beautiful. and to it I swore earth's care and beauty. Today, Brazenly, her tone rises against mine, but this thundercloud I'm not afraid of. she grew but as was my once feeble, she wouldn't hurt me. And so, stepping in, I make to caress her hairline. But, In a swift swoop,  I'm in between clenched jaws, her canines mercilessly piercing my flesh, brutally burying its fangs deeper as my blood broke out, unable to withstand the pressure, I start to feel my bones snap and break and crush, My body going numb from pain. Isn't this the worst way to die?  Dying in a love's fangs I wish I am a diamond  Then I'll be unbreakable Save my cub! - Jane Bli...

A Call To The Sky

     "I'm cold," she whispered, listening to the fan drone in the dark.  "This won't do, take it away please. Not now…" She folds herself up at a corner, her chest pounding against her rib. She could be easily mistaken for a drenched chicken.     "Fly Heart! You promised. So, fly!  Remember? You swore to me you'll bear the torch. You swore you wouldn't mind the heat!   Don't you dare cower now. You don't look so good without your guard up. Sit up!" Her voice in its shaky waves tore through the roof. Her flabby arms shook as the floor felt the hit of her fidgety fists.    "Stop crying! No one is here to catch you if you fall. Stop crying!!!" She could barely hear herself as she wailed, she didn't stop crying. She tore at her hair instead, shaking her head violently.     "No! It was wrong…" Her body shook. Her breath reduced to pants, she gave her chest a few more pounds.    ...